This table compares information based on CodeCanyon information

When do you purchase a Regular License?
Use, by you or one client, in a single end product which end users are not charged for
- You’re a freelancer and do customize for your single-end customer
- You want to research this project
- The end user accesses and uses your project as free without being charged or sold any packages/subscription
Example: You’re using the project mobile app and making it for free. The application shows information for the end user. The user accessing your application won’t be charged or pay the money for use.
Read more details about Regular License from Envato.
When do you purchase an Extended License?
Use, by you or one client, in a single end product for which end users can be charged.
- You’re doing business on the project.
- You use the project and then customize it to become your project or for your end customer.
- The end user uses your project and pays for use like a subscription or pays for weekly/monthly use.
- You’re using the project and selling the service/package on it
Example: You’re using the template mobile app and making the booking application service like hotel booking. The end-user has to register an account and pay the monthly/yearly fee to use your application service.
You’re selling the package via the application service, and the end user has to buy it to use your service to submit their hotel and real estate information.
You’re earning and monetizing money via the project.
Read more details about Extended License from Envato.