
Our projects with the prices and features table list.

Listar FluxPro Flutter $49 Listar Pro React Native $49
WordPress Theme (front end)
Cross-platform UI toolkit
Backend & API
Change app name & icons
Change color schema
Home screen - multiple layouts support
Listing screen - multiple layouts support
Listing with map view
Multple languages
Review & rating
Owner profile rating summary
Blog (WordPress Blog)
Featured & gallery images
Video Embed
Business hours
Social network links
Share listing (link & QR code)
Claim Listing
Booking & management
Payment (PayPal, Stripe)
Firebase mobile push notification
Google map
Google AdMob
View the data field in optional
Import/Export CSV data
Design Included

Frequently Asked Questions

Common questions and is useful at all stages of the customer journey

Is it included in the backend?

Yes, the backend supports both mobile apps and WordPress themes. The administrator can manage listings, categories, locations, and settings.

Is this project a complete solution?

The project is a complete solution with two packages: a mobile app and a WordPress Theme. You can pay to get one or both, depending on your business.

Will I get the free upgrade version?

Yes, you will get the free upgrade with more awesome features coming without paying any extra fee in the future.

What is your refund policy?

Yes, we have 14 days money-back guarantee. If you think the product is not a perfect fit for your needs we will refund you within the first 14 days of your purchase.