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  4. Claim Listing
  5. Moderating Claims

Moderating Claims

The administrator can moderate claims very easily from admin backend page. The claims received from different business owners in Listar → Claim Listings.

Go to Listar Claim Listings and hover on any claim and click on the edit link. You will see the edit claim page like below.

Claim Status

  • Pending: The new request to claim is made, and the administrator still needs to review it.
  • Approved: The administrator accepted the request. It’s for the next step for the user to process the payment. If the method of charged is free. The status will be changed to Completed. 
  • Rejected: The administrator does not accept the request to claim.
  • Completed: The user has completed the payment process and sent money to the administrator. This time, the user has become the owner and can modify the listing data. The listing can’t be claimed by another user. 
  • Canceled: The user has changed their mind and clicked to cancel after requesting a claim.
  • Failed: The payment could have failed during processing due to an error in the transaction from the payment gateway.