The request to claim listing function can be used as free or paid.
Settings → Claim Listing → General → Method Of Charging
- Claim for free
- Set a claim fee

Claim for free
The user requests to claim a listing without incurring any fees. Upon approval, the user becomes the owner and can modify the listing through the mobile app.
Set a claim fee
The user is requesting to claim a listing and must pay a fee to become the owner of the listing.
The fee can be set as default Settings → Claim Listing → General → Claim Fee. It apply all your listing

Setting claim fee for the specify listing
- Select a listing → Edit
- Edit information the widget → Claim Settings

- Method of Charing: select for the option claim for free or pay
- Claim Fee: input the price for pay.
Payment Settings
You need to set up at least one gateway to process payments from the user who made the request to claim. User can process payments using an offline gateway like bank transfer or an online gateway like PayPal or Stripe.
Settings → Payments → General

- Enable: enable to use the process payments
- Terms and conditions: Url of your site. Ex: so value is term-of-use
- Currency Code: your country’s currency code. It’s following IOS 4217 format
- Currency Symbol: the symbol of currency
- Currency Position: Controls the position of the currency symbol.
- Thousand separator: This sets the thousand separator of displayed prices. Example for one thousand USD Dollars is $1,000
Checkout more information about the Payment Settings