Google AdMob is a free platform that allows you to earn money by displaying targeted ads alongside your app content. You can show relevant and engaging ads to your app users and even customize the look and feel of ads to match your app.

Register Admob Account
Visite URL:

Register Ads
Register unit Banner ads, Interstitial ads

Settings Admob ID
Open the source code and find ./source/lib/configs/ads.dart, then change your Admob ID.

Setting the key with Android/IOS and replace it with your new Admob ID

Android files for replacement
- android/app/google-services.json
- android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
IOS files for replacement
- ios/Runner/GoogleService-Info.plist
- ios/Runner/Info.plist
Open source code and find ./source/lib/configs/ads.dart, then change your bannerAdUnitId, interstitialAdUnitId
- Implement Flutter Admob:

How To Show On The Mobile App ?
Appearance → Widgets
Select the widget [Listar] Mobile Home and add the widget [Listar] Api Banner
- Banner Type: Select Google Admod
- Admob Android Code: input the ads unit for android
- Admob iOS Code: input the ads unit for iOS

How to find your app ID and ads unit, please refer to this URL: