Delete Account
When the user registers an account via the mobile app, only the administrator can delete member accounts. Starting June 30, 2022, apps submitted to the App Store that support account creation must also let users initiate deletion of their account within the app. So that we support the feature that allows user delete their data account for matching with the App Store policy. Please refer Offering account deletion in your app.
Settings → Mobile → Account
- Delete Account: when the user deletes the account, all data will cleared from the database.
- Assign Listing Data: This option allows the system to transfer user’s data to another account when they delete their account. Please enter the login ID of the user for transfer. Ex: paul, tommy.
Rating & Review
Everyone who has registered an account then can give a rating and review by the comment. The system gives an option that limits action rating & review. Only users who have booked or claimed the listing can then submit a review; otherwise, they can’t.
Settings → Mobile → Account