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  3. Listar App
  4. WordPress Theme
  5. Installation


Once you have purchased the Listar WP, it is available on your download page.

  1. All files & documentation – This is the complete download package. It’s a zip file with the format name this lister-wp-v2.0.0.zip. We recommend downloading this file if you are installing the theme for the first time.
  2. Installable WordPress file only – This is the installable WordPress file. We recommend downloading this file if you are updating the theme. This file is named listar-wp.zip. This file is also contained within listar-wp-v2.0.0.zip inside
  3. License certificate & purchase code (PDF) – Contains the license certificate and purchase code in PDF format.
  4. License certificate & purchase code (text) – Contains the license certificate and purchase code in txt format.

Installing the theme can be done in two ways. You can upload the theme ZIP file using the built-in WordPress theme upload or copy the files through an FTP client.

The Download Package

Listar WP – Download Package

If you have downloaded All files & documentation, a file named listar-wp-vx.x.x.zip is downloaded x.x.x will point to the version of the theme.

The zip file listar-wp-vx.x.x.zip contains :

  • themes:
    •  listar-wp.zip – The theme file should be uploaded to your WordPress website.
  •  docs: This folder contains the documentation for how to get started

Using WordPress Theme Upload

  1. Login to your WordPress admin.
  2. In the Appearance Themes  Add New
  3. At the top of the page, click Upload Theme , then click the file input to select a file.
  4. Select the zipped theme file, “listar-wp.zip” available in themes from the package downloaded and click Install Now
  5. After installation, you will receive a success message confirming your new installation.
  6. Click the link Activate

Uploading by FTP

  1. Login to your FTP server and navigate to your WordPress themes directory.
  2. Navigate to the folder wp-content/themes/
  3. Extract the files from the zipped theme in the package downloaded.
  4. Copy the folder listar-wp/ to your themes directory wp-content/themes/
  5. After uploading the files, access your WordPress admin.
  6. In the Appearance, select menu Themes
  7. Click Activate
Active Listar WP – Theme